Raychelle Lemi
Seaweed is a natural product with incredible properties that is starting to be utilised increasingly in today’s climate; with local offshore farms beginning to sprout up in Cornwall, the Par Horticultural Seaweed Centre is both a processing plant for horticultural seaweed products and a community space for locals and tourists alike. While distributing these amazing products across the country it was also important to ensure that the project also gave back to the community, with spaces for events, a beautiful garden to enjoy and tourist attractions to experience; bringing people together in Cornwall and providing a new route for income in one of the most impoverished counties in England. Each “wing” of the dock represents the two areas of both ‘production’ and ‘community,’ combining in their use and processing of seaweed.
Design Studio 6 focuses on using architecture to change the way people think about our environment and help raise awareness. DS6 explores humanity’s way of dealing with climate change and our movement toward sustainable alternatives and plant-based resources. The project focuses on seaweed, as it has a number of health benefits, and it can be used in clothing, cosmetics, medication and the construction industry, which can have a long-term positive effect on the environment. The project aims to design spaces for the community’s well-being as well as provide a place for them to understand the process of seaweed harvesting, its various uses, and how it can help with the issues of climate change. The design methodology behind the project also envisions an alternative nature-inspired design through biomimicry, where the structures and internal functionalities of seaweed are studied and translated into the building’s design and function.
Link to Instagram: @raychelledesign
Contact (email): Raychelle.lemi@outlook.com
Introduced in the heart of Reading Town, Hogmanay, the Scottish celebration of New Years, brings a large infusion of culture and festivity to the local area. Cock-a-Leekie soup, being an integral cuisine of the Scottish, accompanies the festivities. The influx of Hogmanay culture, introduced by the arrival of the Soup Facility, will indulge Reading in a host of traditions that seek to bring people together to celebrate the New Year and the fresh start that follows midnight. On New Year’s Eve in Reading, the public are invited to join in the activities, including; farming the ingredients for the soup, trying the soup, setting Juniper branches alight at midnight, Ceilidh dancing, drinking homemade Gin, and the chance to watch as the chefs produce the soup from raw ingredients on site.
Cock a Leekie , Scotland, Timber, Homemade, Feathers, New years