Project title
Upon Greenham Common, prevalent south westerly wind dominates the open terrain and commands the landscape around. With such force, a recurring environment throughout the common, its presence is an overwhelming factor across the site.
Hailing its rich aeronautics and RAF history, through a response to wind conditions and a yearly public festival, Greenham Common’s sustainable community harnesses, celebrates and draws upon the sheer power of the conditions present. The site is home to an agricultural community, a public exhibition demonstrating the achievements of the self-sufficient town, and a festival. During the festival the public are engaged within the core of the town and take part in light-hearted family fun in the form of kite flying, paper plane and paper boat racing all of which are made with on-site produced straw paper and constructed by the public in the workshops of the community.
Wind, Animation, Festival, Sustainable, Straw
Upon Greenham Common, prevalent south westerly wind dominates the open terrain and commands the landscape around. With such force, a recurring environment throughout the common, its presence is an overwhelming factor across the site.
Hailing its rich aeronautics and RAF history, through a response to wind conditions and a yearly public festival, Greenham Common’s sustainable community harnesses, celebrates and draws upon the sheer power of the conditions present. The site is home to an agricultural community, a public exhibition demonstrating the achievements of the self-sufficient town, and a festival. During the festival the public are engaged within the core of the town and take part in light-hearted family fun in the form of kite flying, paper plane and paper boat racing all of which are made with on-site produced straw paper and constructed by the public in the workshops of the community.
Wind, Animation, Festival, Sustainable, Straw
Project title
Introduced in the heart of Reading Town, Hogmanay, the Scottish celebration of New Years, brings a large infusion of culture and festivity to the local area. Cock-a-Leekie soup, being an integral cuisine of the Scottish, accompanies the festivities. The influx of Hogmanay culture, introduced by the arrival of the Soup Facility, will indulge Reading in a host of traditions that seek to bring people together to celebrate the New Year and the fresh start that follows midnight. On New Year’s Eve in Reading, the public are invited to join in the activities, including; farming the ingredients for the soup, trying the soup, setting Juniper branches alight at midnight, Ceilidh dancing, drinking homemade Gin, and the chance to watch as the chefs produce the soup from raw ingredients on site.
Cock a Leekie , Scotland, Timber, Homemade, Feathers, New years
Introduced in the heart of Reading Town, Hogmanay, the Scottish celebration of New Years, brings a large infusion of culture and festivity to the local area. Cock-a-Leekie soup, being an integral cuisine of the Scottish, accompanies the festivities. The influx of Hogmanay culture, introduced by the arrival of the Soup Facility, will indulge Reading in a host of traditions that seek to bring people together to celebrate the New Year and the fresh start that follows midnight. On New Year’s Eve in Reading, the public are invited to join in the activities, including; farming the ingredients for the soup, trying the soup, setting Juniper branches alight at midnight, Ceilidh dancing, drinking homemade Gin, and the chance to watch as the chefs produce the soup from raw ingredients on site.
Cock a Leekie , Scotland, Timber, Homemade, Feathers, New years